Program People

What is the "Program People" about?

The Program is a strategic meta-project involving our entire company: the Headquarters and Region, in the Polish and foreign markets.

As its name suggests - it focuses on us who form the Marketing Investment Group organization. It was created as the initiative of the MIG Management Board as a result of the continuous business development of our company and, consequently, the development of our community. As a constantly growing organization, and experiencing global changes in the work environment (effects of pandemics, changes in the business environment) we encounter new needs in organization of our work, mutual cooperation, and communication. We have received valuable feedback in this regard - from both employees and directors. "Program People" is our response to these needs.
As part of the Program, we want to take a look at different aspects of our organization's activity. We will analyze which aspects of working at MIG are currently a challenge and therefore need to be reviewed and improved, and which function properly and should be developed further. We will also take into account the new opportunities offered by our participation in the global JD Group and implement the standardization resulting from the ongoing global HR projects within the Group. As we work on new solutions, we also aim to confirm MIG's strengths and discover new values that attract you to our company.

Sponsor of the Program People: MIG Management Board
Process Owner: Agnieszka Tomczyk
Project Manager: Estera Papuga

Estera Papuga
HR Department Manager
Onboarding Project
Project Manager: Justyna Szaluś
Recruitment and Onboarding Coordinator

Goal: Creating a common onboarding process for all new employees in the organization. As part of the project, we will redefine the standards of the process, introduce tools that will improve efficiency and speed up the adaptation process of the new employee in our company.
Project starting date:
Estimated project landing date:
Employee Development at MIG Project
Project Manager: Agnieszka Dziaduś
Rewards and Development Coordinator

Goal: Unifying standards for employee development in the specialist, leadership and managerial paths. As a result of the project, we will all have the same understanding of the development process. Career paths - from recruitment through the employee's entire presence in the company - will be presented in a transparent way.
Project starting date:
Estimated project landing date:
Talent Management Project
Project Manager: Maria Gierałt
HR Business Partner

Goal: Developing the talents with the greatest impact on the company's strategic objectives. During the project, we will map the talent in the organization, then offer selected individuals to participate in Talent Programs that will support the development of their potential.
Project starting date:
Estimated project landing date:
Internal communication of MIG as an Employer Project
Project Manager: Natalia Maryńczak
Employer Branding Coordinator

Goal: Increase the involvement of Employees, their identification with the Company and build a group of MIG ambassadors outside the organization. During the project, we will develop internal communication standards, a plan of unification them, test the effectiveness of communication channels, and develop solutions to support our knowledge of what the Company and employees are doing.
Project starting date:
Estimated project landing date:
External communication of MIG as an Employer Project
Project Manager: Paulina Biedrońska-Perek
Senior Employer Branding Specialist

Goal: Enhancing MIG attractiveness as an employer through the implementation of engaging, attractive and consistent communications adapted to the needs of MIG's current and potential employees. The project will result in the development of an external communication strategy for the MIG employer brand.
Project starting date:
Estimated project landing date:

Thank you to all of you who have been involved in the Program People so far!

Your knowledge, competence, information and perspectives that you have shared are invaluable to the development of our company and the achievement of the Program's goals.


How can you get involved?

You can participate in the project in 3 roles:

as a participant in the Project Team

as part of the Focus Group

as the respondent in project internal surveys

What are these roles about?

Member of the Project Team

Is involved in selected or all stages of the project. Works within the framework of the tasks assigned by the Project Manager, which they carry out at a given stage of the project, within the agreed scope and time. As a Core Team Project Member, the Project Member has the most significant impact on the strategic decisions and final implementations of the solutions used.

Level of involvement: from 3 to 6 hours/week for the entire duration of the project.

Focus Group Participant

As a representative of the employees for whom the project is being implemented, a Focus Group Participant works in a group of people who, under the guidance of a moderator, answer questions, share their feelings and reflections on the solutions proposed or developed in the project.

Level of involvement: 1 or 2 meetings of about 2-3 hours each.

Respondent in the project’s internal surveys

Level of involvement: Filling out a survey (up to 1 hour)

Every MIG employee is welcome to participate in the "Program People" – we are very much counting on your engagement!

In case of a very high interest in joining a particular project, we will probably have to invite only selected employees matching the requirements and needs of the project.

Why is it worth to participate?

New projects are starting soon – follow the news so you don't miss the opportunity to join!